Laravel Environment Loader

Dave Redfern

Published: 09 Oct 22:31 in Deprecated

Laravel Environment Loader

This library has been abandoned and the repository archived.

Package for Laravel 5.X projects that allows loading providers based on environment or debug level set.


  • PHP 5.5+
  • laravel 5.1+


Install using composer, or checkout / pull the files from

  • composer require somnambulist/laravel-environment-loader

Setup / Getting Started

  • add \Somnambulist\EnvironmentLoader\ServiceProvider::class to your config/app.php
  • the provider should occur before any of your own providers, and as far up as possible
  • ./artisan vendor:publish
  • customise the providers you want to load to the environments you want them in
  • remove those providers from your main app.php config

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