Package for Laravel 5.X projects that allows loading providers based on environment or debug level set.
A kick-starter project that pre-configures Doctrine, Twig, behaviours and some other stuff because bootstrapping projects with the same requirements is tedious.
Provides a bridge between different enumeration implementations and Doctrine. Any type of PHP enumerable (e.g. Eloquent\Enumeration or myclabs/php-enum can be used with this adaptor.
Provides a Collection container with no dependencies on any framework code. The collection is a wrapper around a standard array with many helper methods. It sits somewhere between a Laravel Collection and the Doctrine ArrayCollection and takes ideas from both of those as well as others.
Adds some very common traits, contracts and event subscribers that can be used with the Laravel-Doctrine ORM package, replacing Gedmo Blameable and Timestampable as well as a UUID pre-persist behaviour.