API Bundle.

Add simple API request/response handling for a Symfony API, recommended for micro-services / internal services.

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Controller Argument Resolvers.

Controller, Transformer and Request Helper
Event Subscribers
Controller Argument Resolvers

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Controller Argument Resolvers

The following controller argument resolvers are included but not enabled by default:

UuidValueResolver Converts a UUID string into a somnambulist/domain UUID object. Type hint Uuid $id on a Controller to enable. Since v1.2.0 provided that the request contains a param with the same name as the type hint, it will resolve to a UUID. For example: the parameter is $accountId and your route is defined with /account/{accountId}, if the controller has a type-hint of: Uuid $accountId the UUID will be passed in.

ExternalIdentityValueResolver Converts the parameters provider and identity to an ExternalIdentity object. Type hint ExternalIdentity $id on a controller to enable.

To enable argument resolvers add the following to your services.yaml:

            - { name: controller.argument_value_resolver, priority: 105 }

or to load all resolvers:

        resource: '../../vendor/somnambulist/api-bundle/src/ArgumentResolvers/'
            - { name: controller.argument_value_resolver, priority: 105 }

Note: the priority needs to be set high enough that the resolvers are run before the standard Symfony resolvers - specifically the default value resolver (priority 100). See: https://symfony.com/doc/current/controller/argument_value_resolver.html for more details on custom argument resolvers and priorities.